Login as a admin user

let x = document.getElementsByClassName('username_field')[0]; let y = document.getElementsByClassName('password_field')[0]; x.style.borderColor = '#ffa8a8'; y.style.borderColor = '#ffa8a8'; "; } else { echo " "; } } ?>


Make a Complaint

// This project is prepared in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Software Development Practice I subject which is a part of the computer enginerring — CPRE — curriculum in King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok — KMUTNB — Thailand.

This form is created for people who encounter motocycle problems on the pavement and wish to make a complaint to let the authorities know and decide the problem. Please fill in the details below for lodging a complaint.

Please note: Every complaint shall be heard as expeditiously as possible and all attempts will be made to decide the complaint within a period of three months from the date of receipt of your notice.

document.getElementsByClassName('main__login')[0].style.display = 'flex';"; } ?>